Smoking is a choice
You know it’s a real choice.
To smoke or not to smoke.
Your relationship with smoking is a choice.
And as with all relationships
It will either be you that ends it
Or cigarettes will end it for you.
Its kinda funny, if it wasn’t so sad
Cigarettes will tell you,
that YOU need them,
BUT the truth is that they need you.
They need you to WORK for them.
They are the master and your the slave and their prisoner.
A slave is controlled and a prisoner has no freedom.
A slave goes to work for the master.
A slave makes the master RICH.
A slave is a prisoner.
A prisoner is given a sentence by THE JUDGE.
THE JUDGE rules that YOU did a bad thing and now YOU must pay.
Pay with your freedom. Pay with your health.
But you didn’t do a bad thing,
all YOU did was tried to smoke
because you were a kid,
such a long time ago.
because you were a kid,
you were taught through movies, television and print advertising
that it’s cool and socially acceptable to smoke.
That you will be cool, when you smoke.
And I dont know, maybe your parents smoked.
Or maybe you were like me and my parents were so straight laced, that you figured that’s why you weren’t cool, so you tried smoking to fix that.
As long as you had cigarettes, you were cool.
BACK THEN society accepted smoking.
Even if you hid it away.
It wasn’t really all that bad.
Heck even our family doctor smoked.
BUT now you say,
YOU can’t control your smoking habit.
Cigarettes control you.
You go to work to earn money to live.
And then you spend YOUR money on them.
Money that could be spent differently.
YOU choose to spend money on those 20 sticks of paper, rolled up, with some dried plant matter.
Those cardboard boxes, patiently wait for you to show up.
There hidden away now,
those cigarettes,
they are the prisoner NOW,
only to be freed by a SUCKER who asks for them by name.
YES you are the sucker, the smoker.
BUT you have it all wrong
They are the ones that smoke,
BUT when you light them up, and bring one of them up to your lips, it is YOU that SUCKS, in the smoke into your lungs.
Can you hear YOUR cells screaming and dying or do you ignore THOSE voices telling you to STOP IT.
THEY, those cigarettes, lie in waiting, until they are set free. No longer the prisoner of a cardboard box.
YOU did that by choosing them over what you really want. Health and freedom.
BUT NOW they are in control.
The voices in your head that tell you NEED to smoke or you will die, or you will suffer, and that you won’t ever be able to live without them.
THOSE voices, whose are they anyhow? The cigarettes or your own?
(If you tell me, the cigarettes, then I would love to meet these talking cigarettes, and have them audition for AGT. )
YOU tell me that they insist on being taken home, to work, on vacation and hang out with you on your days off.
You carry them around like a prized possession.
Taken care of them, ensuring they don’t get wet or crumpled up.
They are your babies, your best friends.
So important that you are willing to harm yourself, to give up your health for THEM.
I wonder who will end the relationship first.
Will it be your choice and will cigarettes decide for you?