What YOU need to do before your emotion code session.
What to expect after an Emotion Code Session.
Release sadness, Anger, dread, long term grief, feelings of abandonment, OVERWHELMENT and many NEGATIVE EMOTIONS– for good
Remove the underlying limiting beliefs that are creating blocks in your life.
Let go of resistance, self sabotage and even self abuse causing bad habits
Have a better sex life by removing the negative emotions causing PsychoSexual Dysfunction Issues such as erectile disfunction & low libido
Begin your journey toward joy, well-being, and abundance
Quickly release your Heart-Wall™, bringing the potential for major progress in your personal life
Help those that you are a guardian for such as children and animals.
By combining the Emotion Code and HypnoTHERAPY, you can ELIMATE THE UNDERlying NEGATIVE trapped eMOTIONS and sabatoging behaviours CAUSING IBS SYMPTOMS.
We begin with a comprehensive intake session and begin to address and neutralize the negative emotions and experiences that are causing your IBS symptoms.
Even if you don’t know why you have IBS, together we will uncover the root cause of it and begin to soothe your physical and emotional system.
With this program you will have 8 sessions.
Your first two Hypnosis sessions will be 90 minutes.
The next 2 Hypnosis sessions will be 60 minutes.
The next 4 sessions will be 30 minutes each.
Plus as a bonus receive my Rapid Relief IBS Program and all the resources that come with it. Bonus Value $199US$
"By using both the Emotion Code and Hypnosis, you can gain control over your thoughts, actions, behaviours and habits and learn to eat like a naturally thin person - Slowly and Consciously."
With this program you will have 8 sessions.
Your first two Hypnosis sessions will be 90 minutes.
The next 2 Hypnosis sessions will be 60 minutes.
The next 4 sessions will be 30 minutes each.
Plus as a bonus receive my Virtual Gastric Band 8 Week Weight Loss Program and all the resources that come with it. Bonus Value $199US$
During our sessions, we will address:
your beliefs around your weight, body image, eating habits, drinking and exercise habits
your reasons, triggers and excuses
your level of commitment
you will choose foods and beverages to delete from your diet easily
Each week you will receive a hypnosis session
"By COMBINING both the Emotion Code and Hypnosis,
2 hour stop smoking session with the Emotion Code Session and Hypnosis.
Plus as a bonus receive my DIY stop smoking program and all the resources that come with it.
Bonus Value $99US
During our session, we will address:
your beliefs around smoking
your reasons for smoking
your triggers for smoking
your desire to STAY quit
and you will have a Hypnosis Session to quit smoking
PsychoSexual Dysfunction Sessions with the Emotion Code Session and Hypnosis. Plus as a bonus receive my Enhancing Sexual Desire & Intimacy Digital Program and all the resources that come with it. Bonus Value $99
During our sessions, we will address:
your beliefs around sexuality, intimacy and connection
your triggers and desires
your fears, worries and confidence issues, shame and or guilt
Sexual Intimacy Issues :
A. Lack of Desire
B. Lack of Arousal
C. Lack of Orgasm
D. Physical Pain
E. Physical Dysfunction
F. Lack of Sexual Freedom
G. Lack of Confidence
H. Past Sexual Abuse
I. Guilt over Past Behaviours
J. Shame over Past Behaviours
K. Unsure if this Relationship is right
L. Body Image Issues
Learn the Emotion Code and become a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. You don't need any specialized qualifications, by taking the certification training your will be taught step by step how to release trapped emotions and help yourself and other on their healing journey. Click here to register for the program and I will send you some FREE bonuses and coach you through the certification process.
Start here if you want to learn more about the Emotion Code and receive your FREE Starter Kit: Click HERE
Client Testimonials
My cravings for cheese are gone! Suzanne D.
I gave up specialty coffees! Cindy S.
I stopped grinding teeth! Lori T.
NO more procrastination about making important business calls! Jim B.
My writers block is gone! Joni N.
I was once stuck and now I have become so creative! Misty A.
Drinking 2 bottles of beer each & every night, when my husband is home was the norm for me, but now I drink what he drinks - TEA. Beth. G.
I gave up the habit of smoking cigarettes! It was so easy! Don C.
I used to be afraid of speaking in public - NOT ANYMORE! Bruce E.
You kindly helped me via Skype on 30th April. Following our session I had some tasks to complete - chasing up Tradesmen !! I started on the Friday and had success with two almost immediately. The third and fourth were completed last weekend. We're waiting for No.5 to put in a price for the work so almost 'there". I had no problem in asking them all to commit to a date for their work to be done.
AND I haven't had a sweet biscuit since our session either. I hope to have another session in the not too distant future. With kind regards and grateful thanks, Marion B - United Kingdom
It was nice meeting you at the chapter meeting last week! Sorry it took so long for me to let you know how I felt after the emotion code treatment. You weren't kidding about hydration! I've been drinking so much water! 10-12 16 oz glasses every day since the Emotion Code Session. I have no desire for jujubes any more. I have been in the grocery store every day, and have purposely walked by them, but I really don't feel the need for them any more. They don't repulse me, I just have no desire left for them. I'm thinking I dropped a few pounds, between having less sugar (which is all they are), and the increased water. Thanks! Sabrina H.
Emotion code Testimonial
No more Tim Horton's hot chocolate, Costco Bark Bites or Hawkins Cheezies - after just one 30 minute emotion code session with my mentor. No cravings, no desire and no more eating those items. It is like they just don't exist. I liked the result so much I signed up for a 2nd 30 minute session to remove my procrastination regarding completing and submitting paperwork in a timely manner. SUCCESS! That is why I decided to add the Emotion Code technique and become a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner so I could add this amazing tool to my Hypnotherapists toolkit. Helena Jehnichen, CHT
Helena Jehnichen
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapsit
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
Roxy is Helena's 10 year old Westie.
The Emotion Code technique is great for animals. Roxy, the Westie had a 30 minute session to help her with her physical issue of freezing (similar to a Parkinson Patient). Not only are her physical issues gone, she also no longer barks at the TV when an animal is on the screen. Another 30 minute session removed her fear of fireworks, she now sleeps through halloween night and new years eve festivies.
Free Video Series Gift
Interested to learn more about the Emotion Code? Get you free video gift here and watch Dr. Bradley Nelson explain about the Emotion Code: Click Here
Here's a quick explanation about what
Trapped Emotions are:
"Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events, right? Emotional baggage is very real, and although it's invisible it can easily disrupt your happiness, your success and your health. It's like lugging around a suitcase from every difficult event you've gone through; eventually the load gets too heavy not to notice. I call each "suitcase" a Trapped Emotion; a bit of emotional energy that was created, by you, during an emotional event, that then got stuck in your body somewhere.
Trapped Emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative, destructive vibrations, and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues, even disease. They can also cause depression, anxiety and loads of emotional problems. Trapped Emotions can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them using The Emotion Code and lighten your load for good!"
Explanation of Processing:
"Doing The Emotion Code is like doing surgery on the energy body. We are literally looking for "malignant" or harmful energies that need to be removed, then we remove them, and the energy body has to heal and reorganize to regain it's balance. If you were to do actual surgery to say, remove a tumor, you would expect to have at least a few days of downtime afterward. Your surgeon would also likely tell you what to expect as well as advise you to get extra rest in order to allow the body to heal.
The best advice after a session with The Emotion Code is just about the same! Be aware that if you feel out of sorts, have changes in your sleeping pattern, vivid dreams or emotional ups and downs, this is totally normal. Drink lots of water, eat healthy get lots of rest, and let your energy body heal itself. You may not notice experience any symptoms you may even feel great, but it's better to be aware just in case."
The processing period after your Emotion Session, maybe feel like a bunch of emotional ups and downs, bad dreams, fatigue, sleeplessness and brain fog. What a drag it can be! But fortunately, these symptoms are only experienced 20% of the time, and they only last a day or two for the most part. Chances are, you're wondering why clients go through processing, and what exactly it is, so here's an analogy that is pretty easy to understand:
Releasing Trapped Emotions that may be causing Nightmares
Releasing Grief with the Emotion Code
Addicted to Junk Food
Bad Food Habits
Cell Phone addiction
Removing Heartwalls
21 Tips to a Healthier, Wealthier Sexier Life
Excessive Holiday Drinking
Remove the resistance to exercise
Law of Attraction Vibrational Business Plan
Emotion Code for Fear of Heights
Emotion Code for Procrastination
Emotion Code for New Years Resolution Sabotage
Emotion Code for Fear of Flying
Emotion Code for Chronic Pain
Issues and/or Symptoms that have been helped with Emotion Code Sessions
Emotion Code for Abundance Blocks
Emotion Code for Acid Reflux
Emotion Code for Addictions (Beverages, Food, Substances)
Emotion Code for Alcohol Consumption
Emotion Code for Allergies
Emotion Code for Anger
Emotion Code for Anxiety
Emotion Code for Arthritis
Emotion Code for Asthma
Emotion Code for Back Pain
Emotion Code for Beliefs about Money
Emotion Code for Beliefs about Success
Emotion Code for Beliefs about Weight Loss
Emotion Code for a Broken Heart
Emotion Code for Business Blocks
Emotion Code for Chronic Fatigue
Emotion Code for Chronic Pain (Hip, Knees, Foot, Neck, Shoulder Pain)
Emotion Code for Claustrophobia
Emotion Code for Creativity Blocks
Emotion Code for Constipation
Emotion Code for Can’t Stop Crying
Emotion Code for Depression
Emotion Code for Eczema
Emotion Code for Excessive Drinking
Emotion Code for Excessive Sugar Consumption
Emotion Code for Excess Sweating
Emotion Code for Fear of the Dark
Emotion Code for Fear of Driving
Emotion Code for Fibromyalgia
Emotion Code for Food Addiction(s)
Emotion Code for Long-term Grief
Emotion Code for Headaches
Emotion Code to remove a Heart-Wall
Emotion Code for Hormonal Issues
Emotion Code for Indecisiveness
Emotion Code for Infertility
Emotion Code for Insomnia
Emotion Code for Lack of Confidence
Emotion Code for Marijuana use
Emotion Code for Menopause Symptoms
Emotion Code for Morning Sickness
Emotion Code for Negative Self Talk
Emotion Code for Night Sweats
Emotion Code for Numbness
Emotion Code for Panic Attacks
Emotion Code for Phobias
Emotion Code for Procrastination
Emotion Code for PTSD
Emotion Code for Public Speaking
Emotion Code for Resistance to Drink Water
Emotion Code for Resistance to Eat Veggies
Emotion Code for Resistance to Exercise
Emotion Code for Restless Legs
Emotion Code for Sadness
Emotion Code for Seasonal Allergies
Emotion Code for Sinus Problems
Emotion Code for Social Anxiety
Emotion Code for Sorrow
Emotion Code for Stopping Smoking
Emotion Code for Quitting Smoking
Emotion Code for getting rid of Stress
Emotion Code for Stopping Vaping
Emotion Code for Quitting Vaping
Emotion Code for Weight Loss
Emotion Code for letting go of Worry
Emotion Code for removing my Writers Blocks
Emotion Code to Lose Weight
Emotion Code for Losing Weight
Emotion Code for Eliminating Alcohol
Emotion Code to stop drinking
Emotion Code for quitting drinking
Emotion Code for Eliminating Sugar
Emotion Code for Reducing Sugar
Emotion Code for Reducing Alcohol
Emotion Code For Covit-19 Anxiety