Are you tired of constantly searching for "gut directed hypnotherapy near me" to find relief for your irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people suffer from IBS and related digestive issues, such as constipation, every year. Fortunately, gut directed hypnotherapy is an effective and proven solution for IBS and digestive health.
4 Secrets to clearing IBS Symptoms
Brain-gut psychotherapies work by ....
South Manchester Functional Bowel Service Articles
Clinical Trials find success with Gut Directed Hypnotherapy
3 Benefits of Gut Directed Hypnotherapy
IBS and Fibromyalgia
Clients that suffer with IBS, often suffer from deep childhood wounds
Clients that suffer with IBS, often suffer from deep childhood wounds. Wounds that were never truly healed.
It appears that when the child within you (your inner child) feels safe, resourceful, heard and secure, physical, mental and spiritual healing can begin.
These are some steps to help you right now if you are experiencing an IBS flareup: