Can I have one cigarette as a reward?

Don't do it!

Don't just have one, almost every time this will lead you right back into the smoking habit.

If you have just one, after you made the decision to quit, your subconscious mind will think you lied, so it will then have a hard time of trusting you in the future.

People that struggle to quit smoking use the words like "I am trying to quit".

My clients succeed because they stop trying or lying and they make the decision to quit.

It helps when you understand how the mind works. Your subconscious mind is an order taker and will carry out what you tell it - over and over again.

Your conscious mind is the logical part of your mind and your subconscious mind is your emotion mind.

You can check out my YouTube channel, it has a ton of videos that talk about the MIND and smoking.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

With Premature Ejaculation - often referred to as 'PE' - ejaculation occurs before the male feels he is 'ready'. This has nothing to do with the length of time for which intercourse has been taking place and is not connected with how long his penis has been inside his partner. It is simply about whether he is ready to ejaculate or not; if he is not, then it will cause as much sexual frustration as does Erectile Dysfunction.

What is Sexual Dysfunction

What is Sexual Dysfunction


Sexual dysfunction (or sexual malfunction or sexual disorder) is difficulty experienced by an individual or a couple during any stage of sexual activity, including

physical pleasure,




or orgasm.

Sexual issues can occur at any time in a persons’ life, can be caused by many things and can cause a great deal of heart ache and frustration.




Intimacy involves feelings of emotional closeness and connectedness with another person.

There are four types of intimacy: emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical.

Intimacy usually means mutual vulnerability, openness, and sharing. It is often present in close, loving relationships such as marriages and friendships. The term is also sometimes used to refer to sexual interactions, but intimacy does not have to be sexual

The Five Levels of Intimacy

Psychologists have identified 5 levels of emotional intimacy we all move through as we get to know someone.

Are You in Alignment With Your Money Goals?

Are You in Alignment With Your Money Goals?

Even if you’ve been on your own as an adult for quite a while, chances are you haven’t yet achieved all the goals you’ve set for yourself. You probably have a lot of goals for your family, personal life, career, etc. And if you’re reading this, you likely have certain financial goals to help you live a more abundant life. When it comes to money, goals are critical. Setting goals not only gives you something to plan around but also helps you measure your own success. After all, if you don’t know where the finish line is, how will you ever get there?